Opposing teams consisting of 2 to 5 players each, attempt to score by hitting a pipe or a 4”x4” target at opposite ends of the fenced-in court. Hitting a pipe is 1 point. Hitting the 4"x4" target is an automatic win. The first team to 5 or with the most points after 5 minutes wins.
1. In order for a team to score, 3 complete passes must occur (a dropped pass resets the count), and the ball must be shot from at least mid-court or further away from the pipes/targets. Any shot taken closer than mid-court results in a turnover.
3. Regular defense is allowed. Slashes and pushes with possession are rewarded by “free shots” from mid-court. Non-possession pushes are penalized by giving possession to the pushed player's team.
4. There are no out of bounds, except for beyond the boundaries of the court, itself.
5. After a score, the scored-on team gets possession, except in the case of free-shots (see above).
6. The game begins by the ball by being arbitrarily tossed on to the court by a referee.